March 7, 2025

What is SEO in Digital Marketing?


What is SEO in Digital Marketing?

Basics of SEO for Absolute beginners

We’ve gone over the fundamentals of SEO measures in this article. For those who want to learn more, we’ve included links that take you further into each topic.

 While being SEO consultants, here is our complete know-how which is constantly conducting SEO experiments on various sites and getting excellent results.

Take a closer look. Long-term SEO can earn you millions with one page (Considering SEO measures and the number of characters is perfect) 

1. What are basic SEO techniques?

SEO is a technology for aiming to display your site higher on Google with words searched by users.

Wikipedia’s definition of the term is as follows:

The technique of boosting the quality and quantity of search engine traffic to a website or a web page is known as search engine optimization (SEO).

The technique of boosting the quality and quantity of visitors to a website or a web page from search engines is known as search engine optimization (SEO).

So in nutshell, it can be summarized as: Search Engine Optimization is an effort to display web pages in a higher-order in search results.

2. Why is SEO important on the Internet?

Because it is directly linked to sales. In the world of the Internet, sales fluctuate greatly just by “lowering the search ranking by one”. For example, if you get first place with the keyword [Purchase diet supplement], it will be a business with tens of millions of annual sales.

“Since social media has permeated Google search, the number of individuals searching has decreased,” some claim.

“However, the Google search market remains enormous.” It can be said that “Those who conquer SEO, conquer the Internet and thus the sales.” Amazon is a great example of conquering the Internet with SEO.

3. What is the difference between New and Old SEO?

The name is Penguins Update. 

Hidden texts and word salad spam were all the rage in SEO before May 2012.  

You must have an experience in that you tried to search for something and you arrived on a completely different site that didn’t make sense.

That’s because previously, there were so many spam sites.

Penguins Update has eliminated such spam sites (commonly known as Black Hat SEO sites). Since May 2015, the search quality has significantly improved.

However, the following spam still remains there:

1.    Sockets for external linking & snippets (Often used by affiliates & and bloggers)

2.    Article rewriting (Where DeNA was regarded as a problem)

For the time being, it’s fine to only have a cursory understanding of SEO history.

However, if you want to learn more about spam, go to

Black Hat SEO Dangerous method 

By the way, even on this site, we are able to improve the ranking by a slightly black method. For details, you can see the story that increased the ranking after adding the number of keywords in SEO.


4. Minimum things to learn SEO measures 

Get the most up-to-date information on the web if you have an overview of internal and external measures at this time.

We will summarize the knowledge you need to know in two patterns, internal measures and external measures.

 4 things you should know about internal measures

For the time being, let’s get the following understanding. 

Knowledge of SEO content creation

Knowledge of SEO keyword selection

Knowledge of SEO internal measures

Knowledge of long-tail SEO

If you master the above 4 points, you will be able to create a site that can increase the number of visitors through SEO methods

5. What you need to know about external measures

To be honest, you don’t have to spend so much time learning about external measures. Let’s take a look at the following article.

External SEO methods and Backlinks

Recently, the external SEO methods have come very close to Social Media Marketing: Know the techniques.

In other words, if we jot down the main steps to follow, they will be: 

  1. To get as many external links from your own contacts and give them your link in return (More feasible once you both are grown-up websites)
  2.  Marketing and branding your website on social media as much as possible (Maybe you can use and show your website’s best points and how it can be useful for the Visitor)
  3. Think about how you can be more recognized and introduce yourself as the market influencer
  4. Get the latest SEO information. It is also important to collect SEO information in real-time.
  5. Get multilingual: It is another method becoming popular these days. Check out the information on
  6. Don’t wait: If you know already the basics of SEO methods, implement them immediately.
  7. For Intermediate: Don’t waste your time studying SEO or web marketing more by reading a book. SEO can be learned most from the net and with your won practice through time.
  8. Books will give you only superficial knowledge. Real Web implementation is the key.
  9. The difference between those who are doing it and those who aren’t is only the latter ones keep adding their knowledge without actually getting their hands dirty.

 So, be more aware of the output than just the input. If you want to run the site while learning the basics of SEO, it is recommended to start with blogs using WordPress.  

Want to Learn Complete Seo Techniques
Click Here:-

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