February 28, 2025

What is On-page SEO?

on page seo

What is On-page SEO?

Most important (Our 10 years of experience)

We have thoroughly summarized the information as per our 10 years of experience. Please have a look at the article. Read each section carefully to get your SEO game perfect and to earn Millions.

List of important contents

  1. Make your page speed fast.
  2. Be able to reach all pages within “2 clicks”
  3. Normalizing the URL
  4. Submit a Sitemap to Google
  5. Put Top page navigation in text
  6. Pages that do not need to be crawled should be specified in robots.txt
  7. Setting your dropdowns/links-list
  8. Build the site with correct tag placement
  9. Use of h1, h2, and h3 in text structure
  10. Change h1 tag dynamically
  11. Put keywords in the h1 tag
  12. Set pagination numerically
  13. No duplicate pages14. No broken links

On-page SEO

Rule 1. Make your page speed fast

Page speed is super important in SEO. It’s clear from Google’s focus on Accelerated Mobile Page (AMP).

To check your page speed, just use Google’s Page Speed ​​Insight.

It is fairly OK if it exceeds 70 points.

Internet speed also becomes a critical point in this data analysis. You must experience when you left a web page if it took time to load on your device.

To reduce the waiting time for your website visitors, You should focus on fast display.

For example in a Metro-subway usually, the internet is slow and readers are more.

Rule 2. Be able to reach the target page within “2 clicks”

Or better, directly from the Home page in just 1 click. So, what is in your mind?

Good URL design·

  • Homepage             example.com·
  • Category page       example.com/category·
  • Article page            example.com/post-name

Bad URL design


There is no need to show the parameters after the? Question Mark. It is best to omit them.

Consult with an engineer if you can’t fix it on your own.

Rule 3. Normalizing the URL

Disable index.php and index.html



If you can access both, then it is not the correct way.

When you visit example.com/index.php, make sure you are redirected to example.com.

Unify with or without www




Unify with or without www. Recently, people like to search without www.

Rule 4. Submit a Sitemap to Google

It’s a very basic and very important thing to do, but there are many websites that haven’t done it yet.

Here, we introduce the effectiveness of the sitemap and how to make it. Sitemaps have a very important role to play and are closely related to improving site usability and internal SEO. There are some important tasks you’ll need to complete if you want Google to rank on your website.

Submitting a sitemap helps Google’s crawler to index your site, get your website’s relevance, and judge your site’s ranking.

What is a Sitemap?

A sitemap guides the crawler through your site, showing them the most important pages. Which is extremely useful in ranking and other contributions to your SEO

Sitemap Types

There are 2 common sitemap formats:

XML: This format can only be read by a search engine.

HTML: Search-engine and the real users can both browse these sitemaps.

XML sitemaps indicate the most important pages on your website and can tell the search engine when your website has been updated.

HTML sitemaps are made available on the website through a webpage. They are a collection of links to important pages on your website.

Rule 5. Put Top page navigation in the text 

basic of seo

The navbar on the top of your homepage should be texted as much as possible.  Since Google robots cannot recognize the images, the text is helpful in that case.

Rule 6. Pages that do not need to be crawled should be specified in robots.txt

Google crawler patrols your site when the article ranking is decided.

Specify a directory that you don’t want the crawler to patrol at that time.

If you are using WordPress Website, you don’t have to do anything. It is automatically generated. In WordPress, you can check the access to example.com/robots.txt.


*Disallow: / wp-admin /


Sitemap: https://example.com/sitemap.xml

If it is not WordPress, consult with an engineer and then decide.

Rule 7. Setting your dropdowns/links-list

Recently, not been much used, but is important for SEO. The reason is dropdowns/links-list are displayed on the search result screen.

article for seo

Structured markup is essential to display the links-list trails on the search results screen. Also, it is set up near the footer. This will also work fine.

Rule 8. Build your site with the correct tag placement

It is a norm to consider “Header” should be above and “Footer” must be below on a webpage. Likewise, Navbar should be followed by Articles and Sections.


Also, It is better to incorporate new semantics introduced by HTML to increase your readability and recognition by Google in case of making your website search Engine Optimized

Rule 9. Use of h1, h2, and h3 in text structure

It is essential to use H1 H2 H3 tags in your web writing game.

Imagine a Book!

H1 is like the title of the book.

H2 are the Titles of various chapters of the book.


There are websites that use h1 in the article, but that is not correct. The structure should be modified like shown above.

Rule 10. H1 tag should change dynamically

For the Homepage of your website, set the site name the same as the h1 tag.

For article pages, the article title should be the h1 tag.

The following code can be used to implement it in WordPress.


The title tag and the h1 tag are quite crucial in SEO, so please stick to them. It should be shown as an internal page’s headline on several pages. And on the page itself it should be visible as the main headline of it.

Rule 11. Definitely put a keyword in the h1 tag

Very important.

Be sure to do it while implementing Google SEO because if there is no keyword in h1 in the headline, the search results can decrease sharply.

If the post lacks keywords, there’s a good chance you’ve committed an SEO design error, so how do you choose SEO keywords? We have explained five specific steps.

5 simple steps: How to select SEO keywords

Rule 12. Setting pagination numerically

As mentioned above, the reason is that it makes it easier for Google robots to patrol.

This isn’t a particularly nice example of pagination.

And this can be regarded to be a better example if the Google crawler, which is quite beneficial for SEO purposes, is taken into account.

Rule 13. Eliminate duplicate pages

It’s unavoidable that pages will be repeated if you produce articles randomly. Check Google’s search console for duplicate articles. If you duplicate something by accident, it will show you the consequences.

Rule 14. Fix broken links

Broken links are bad for your website’s SEO and are also unfriendly to visitors, giving off a negative image and reducing usability. is reduced.

 Broken Link Checker is a WordPress plugin that you may install and utilize.

That’s all.

Your site will become problem-free in terms of On-Page SEO if you can properly learn and implement each section presented here.

All the best!

Want to Learn Complete Seo Techniques
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